maandag 25 maart 2013

Lazy Students

Date: 2013-03-25

To the Editor:

Why do you assume that Dutch students are lazy because they only study for 31 hours per week? You just posted an article based on one fact and assumption.

I do agree with the quote of the third-year student of corporate communication, but I do think that they will pick you above someone else when you mention your grades and unique selling points. But still, they only will check if you have the desired diploma.

And as said in your article, the average time Dutch students spend on studying is about 31 hours. I like to take a closer look on this sentence. First, the ‘average’ time. Average means that some students spend more time than 31 hours, and some spend less. So how could you say that ‘all’ the Dutch students are lazy? I spend over forty hours on my study every week, and I will not get put down by some journalist trying to make a point.

After this sentence, you will say “Are they quick learners?” Well, we actually are. Some students only have to pay attention in class to know what exactly it is they have to do for the midterms. They just go home and do the task immediately and are quickly done with it. So therefore, they would have to spend less time on studying.

I hope that you have learned something from this letter. Dutch people aren’t lazy, and if you do write another article in which you confront people with their bad habits, then be sure to back it up with more sources. Just one simple research isn’t enough.

Jasper Heinsbroek
Bergschenhoek, The Netherlands

Blog Assignment 3

What is there for students to do, see, experience in Utrecht?

Utrecht is a city that has been made for students. There are many students living in Utrecht now, and most of them are studying at the HU or the UU (University of Utrecht).

The main part of the city is not very far from Utrecht CS. After a ten minute walk, you’ll find yourself near the shopping heart of Utrecht. There are many different stores for you! There are countless shops where you can buy clothing, games, jewelry and all the stuff you need.

Besides shopping, Utrecht has many bars and cafés. Most students will go out near Neude. At Neude, you will immediately see many bars and terraces where you can relax and have a drink. It’s an ideal idea for a night out, or when you got some hours off of school.

Also, the city of Utrecht has almost infinite cultural activities for you to do. You can go and visit the Domtoren, for example. You can look inside the Domtoren, but if you are more of a person who needs an adrenaline rush... then the Domtoren holds a nice surprise for you.

Blog Assignment 2

The student life in the Netherlands is absolutely amazing. The way High Schools prepare you for your study is not very good. They only tell you about what school should be best for you and which study fits you based on your test results. But they forget about the travelling, doing homework and going after your dreams. So the first week of studying may come as a shock to most new students.

The students come from anywhere, from Amsterdam to Eindhoven and from Limburg to Groningen. Because of the free pass you get from the government, it’s possible to travel free on weekdays. All together, the students should study about 42 hours per week. That’s about six hours per day, including the time you need to be in class. It sounds like a lot, but there is much time left to do stuff you want to do. You could easily take a job for ten hours per week and still have time enough to do your homework and socialize with your friends. And if this will not work out for you, then try making your homework at school. You can easily make six hours per day on school already.

dinsdag 12 februari 2013

Blog Assignment 1

What should international students know about the Dutch people and their way of life.

The Dutch people are very open to each other. It is in our nature. We accept new people into our social groups very easily. We don’t judge people on their appearance or how they walk. We pick our friends based on common interests and how other people react to us. When Dutch people bond, they feel a lot more confident about sharing personal experiences and feelings with each other.  That’s why the Dutch people work better in groups than they do when they work alone. So if you’re very social, you are a people person and you like to study abroad, then The Netherlands is your best choice.

When it comes to studying, we don’t differ from any other country. The basic cliques will always be there. So it’s best to just be yourself and be friendly to each other. We don’t have different visions on educations and our future than Americans do. Sure, there will always be people who don’t take their work as seriously as other people, but we all share one goal: getting a diploma.

Listening Assignment B

1. What is remarkable about the comments and the bloggers of the Federal Reserve Bank?
They are anonymous. Besides that they allow anonymous bloggers.

2. The Federal Reserve Bank opened a blog to create “buzz”. What is meant by this,     in other words, what was the purpose of opening a blog?
Buzz was created to expend their internet infrastructure.

3. What was the female recruiting manager’s blog mainly about?
She blogs about her challenging life as a full time mother and a full time recruiting manager.

4. What was the purpose of her blog?
She tried to open up to their colleagues. She thought that she could manage that by sharing personal things about her life. She expected that more managers would start their own blog.

5. Which words show that the FED does exercise a form of control on the blogs?
They react to people asking questions to their blogs. ‘Why can’t Melissa work part time’ has been a controversial point.

6. By what kind of people were the very first FED blogs written?
The senior management. Staff from around the bank could comment on it anonymously.

7. Have the blogs changed the way that people who work for the FED think about           internal communications ?
There is just plain engagement between the staff members. It has changed the way of bringing information to the people.

8. What is the latest development in the company as far as media are concerned?
A monitor is placed in every elevator. This monitor displays the feed from the social media. When the staff is gone home, they are able to see from the intranet what is showed on the screen.

9. Catherine Cummings says that this medium to communicate with staff is better than an older medium. Which more old-fashioned way of communicating with staff does she mention?
Another memo on the board saying ‘Don’t forget to…’

10. What is the next big thing in social media at the FED?
Redesigning the intranets at the Chicago FED.