maandag 25 maart 2013

Lazy Students

Date: 2013-03-25

To the Editor:

Why do you assume that Dutch students are lazy because they only study for 31 hours per week? You just posted an article based on one fact and assumption.

I do agree with the quote of the third-year student of corporate communication, but I do think that they will pick you above someone else when you mention your grades and unique selling points. But still, they only will check if you have the desired diploma.

And as said in your article, the average time Dutch students spend on studying is about 31 hours. I like to take a closer look on this sentence. First, the ‘average’ time. Average means that some students spend more time than 31 hours, and some spend less. So how could you say that ‘all’ the Dutch students are lazy? I spend over forty hours on my study every week, and I will not get put down by some journalist trying to make a point.

After this sentence, you will say “Are they quick learners?” Well, we actually are. Some students only have to pay attention in class to know what exactly it is they have to do for the midterms. They just go home and do the task immediately and are quickly done with it. So therefore, they would have to spend less time on studying.

I hope that you have learned something from this letter. Dutch people aren’t lazy, and if you do write another article in which you confront people with their bad habits, then be sure to back it up with more sources. Just one simple research isn’t enough.

Jasper Heinsbroek
Bergschenhoek, The Netherlands

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